Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Ice Cream Eyes

Sometimes we just have to humor ourselves while waiting to eat our ice cream.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Flower Power

Yesterday while I was making lunch, Sparkles was in the backyard playing and exploring.  When I called her in for lunch, she came running into the house with an armload of greenery that she picked just for me.  "Mommy, I love you soooooo much."

She plopped the "flowers" on the kitchen counter as she ran to wash up.

I'm not quite sure how to even get these into a vase.  There may or may not be poison ivy in this batch of greenery.  I was, however, able to identify a fair amount of maple leaves (knocked out of our tree by the recent hail storm), a mass of Creeping Charlie (a viney weed that's trying to take over my yard) and 1 rose bloom.

That's love right there, kids!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Toothless Tess #6!

It's been a little over a week since tooth #5 came out.  And guess what!??!?   Tooth #6 came out on Wednesday, just 8 days later!   Yeah, she's still only 5 and the dentist says there's nothing wrong with losing this many teeth this early.  She's just an overachiever.  :-)

The night before, Sparkles informed me that she thought she looked like Nanny McPhee.  Yes, that snaggletooth, does bear quite a resemblance to Nanny McPhee's!

I took this picture in the morning before I left for work because it looked like that tooth could fall out any minute.  SURE ENOUGH... Em called a couple of hours later and the tooth was out!

Later that night, I asked Em to show off her new smile for the camera.  This is what happened... a plethora of faces and a gigglefest!

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