Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Another Botox Follow-Up

We ventured down to Children's Hospital again yesterday afternoon for Emily's botox follow-up appointment and I am happy to say that we finally had a VERY encouraging visit with the doctor. This appointment was with our "new" doctor, Dr. K. We've usually had very good experiences with our visits to Children's but this is the first time that any of Em's doctors have been really pumped (almost giddy) at the progress she's seen.

Dr. K watched Em take her (Dr. K's) assistance dog, Travis, for a walk, we took the braces off, she flexed Em's feet/ankles and had her walk again. It was nice to finally see a doctor's face light up with excitement at how well the treatment was working. I was told that her left foot is finally within normal range and her right foot is better than normal range. Dr. K said that if we can stay on this track the future could look very good.

We also talked about a few other things like how to make the injection appointments a little more tolerable for Em and how to get a little more stretch in her hamstrings since she's not able to get a restful sleep with her knee immobilizer (knee brace) on.

We are going to try sticking to the regular AFO's (day braces) and adding the knee immobilizer at nap time and then having her wear her DAFO (night brace) at night time.

Emily has major issues with being confined (i.e., being held down for shots, getting caught in blankets while sleeping, getting hung up in shirts while getting dressed) and she immediately panics and starts fussing and screaming. Needless to say (but I'm going to say it anyway) I'm looking forward to being able to sleep a little better at night now that we don't have to wake up to her crying for us to take her knee brace off. (We've only been able to make it 1-2 hours any given night when we've tried to get her to wear it.)

Dr. K was thrilled with Em's progress and as a parent, it was great to hear Dr. K say that she loved ending her day with Em since she was so much fun and kept her laughing. Not all of her patients are so amiable. She said that just by observing Em she could tell that she's very intelligent and watching her made her want to adopt.

We left with a very good feeling... and then spent a little over 2 hours (during rush hour and snow/ice) making the 45 minute drive home.... but I digress. ;-)

Ok, folks (and that means you!) I've used enough "( )" (parentheses) and improper grammar today and my editor friends and family are ready to strangle me. Have a great day! (Bye!)

1 comment:

Henry's mom said...

Wow, what wonderful news! I am so happy for you and Em.

Isn't so nice to go to a doctor and hear them speak so nicely about our children? Your post put a smile on my face, thanks for making my day.

Hugs to Emily!

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