Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm Getting Married!

I started to post this entry over a week ago and.... oh, look... shin-ey.....

Yeah, I got distracted. So what hasn't that ever happ... pretty!

Okay, I'm back. Phew.

POSTED ON 5/19/10 just so you know I'm a little behind schedule....

Emily was slated to be the flower girl for my cousin's wedding in early May. The dress I made her for Easter was a practice dress for the flower girl dress I was going to make her. Let me just say this... this girl loves to wear dresses and especially dresses that twirl. The higher the twirl factor, the more requests we have for her to wear that particular dress.

The Easter dress had a VERY high twirl factor and is requested every time we open the closet. With this in mind, Emily knew her "wedding dress" was going to be just like her Easter dress but ALL white. She couldn't wait for me to finish it so she could try out it twirlability. (Like that? I just made that word up.)

I had finished her dress a couple of days before the wedding and somewhere in between the two, Emily had a physical therapy appointment. While we were walking through the hall during therapy, I asked Em to tell her PT what she was going to be doing on Saturday. With an exuberance galore and arms thrust wide open, Emily shouted for all to hear, "I'M GETTING MARRIED!"

Oi vey! Does your Daddy know?

1 comment:

small farm girl said...

How cute! She is so sweet!

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