Saturday, September 24, 2011

Friday was a BIG day!

On Monday, Em got to be the Star Student at school.  We're still not exactly sure what all that meant, but oh boy, was it exciting!  Emily couldn't wait to get to school on Monday morning.  She had her backpack on a full half hour before it was time to leave the house.

The rest of the week was pretty exciting, but again, she couldn't wait for Friday to come around because she got to bring something in for Show-and-Tell.  She chose to bring in her Valentine's Dog -- a black stuffed dog with red heart-shaped "spots".  She wanted to bring that to show-and-tell, because -- well, because 2 of her girlfriends at school also seem to have the same dog.  It was exciting nonetheless.

Friday night was Em's school's tailgate party prior to the high school football game.  She received a temporary tattoo that she was allowed to wear to school that day.  She couldn't wait!

She was worried the rain on Friday morning would ruin her tattoo so she covered her cheek all the way to the car. 

School was great and at the end of the day, we met her at school and joined in on the tailgate party.  Em was so excited to show us her friends and teachers and all the games and tricks she could do in the gym.  After the tailgate party, we drove over to the high school football game where the kids from her school were supposed to form a tunnel with the band for the football players to run through.

Emily and Daddy joined the tunnel while I stood back a little because it was a bit crowded.  After it was over, I walked up to see how it went and what she thought.  Apparently all the other kids had their hands out to give high-fives to the players, but not this one.  She had her nose plugged!

I'm sort of hoping she keeps that opinion of boys for a while...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How Funny! I have always had the same opinion about the odorous condition of athletes. ;)

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