Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Look Out World Here I Come!

Today is the first day that Emily has truly shown her commitment to crawling!

I also noticed I still owe you some pictures from the past couple of weeks...

A few of the teachers at the middle school threw a baby shower for Emily at the end of April... Once again, we have been so blessed with such caring co-workers and friends.

After the party was over, the girls continued their conversation while the grown-ups cleaned up.

I know it doesn't look like it, but Spencer was actually leaning into this "petting". He usually admires Emily from a distance but was under the impression that someone was going to pet him if he got brave.

Emily is still fascinated by the camera but at least now I can sometimes con her into smiling for a photo op.

Here's a little carry-over from our Karen Kingsbury event at the store. This is the staff at The Shepherd's Nook.


Marla Edington said...

Good job Emily!!! Look out world - she's getting mobile! Time to hide the Pez!

Amy said...


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