Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Look Out Kindergarten - Prepared to be SPARKLED!

Today was Em's first day of school.  Daddy was kind enough to document it!

A before school cell phone check.  (It's Daddy's!)

Recreating a 1st day of school picture that Tom has with Ryan.

The girls are ready to go!

Waiting for the bell to ring.

Heading to class.

Getting set up and ready for the day!

End of day report:  made a raccoon, said the pledge of allegiance (and remembered it from preschool), had storytime (but didn't remember the story), learned a new song about the classroom rules (and remembered quite a bit of it), ate lunch (except for the green beans), had 4 recesses(!), played with friends, met new friends, loves her teacher, can't wait to go back.

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